Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Use what they are Using

Are We There Yet?
Changing Trends in Online Learning and Internet Use

Throughout the years the use of the internet has increased dramatically. In 2006 the U.S. Department of Education Study recorded a 80% increase of public instructional classrooms with internet access. Adolescents between the ages of 12-17 are the largest growing group of internet users. In 2005 there was a study done that determined the average adolescent spent 9 hours on the internet every week. But is this higher usage a better thing? There are things we have not determined about internet usage, like they quality of peoples internet usage,  the differences in participation among diverse groups of learners, and the outcome of learning opportunities available with newer web-based technologies. 

Researchers are trying to answer these questions and they have come up with ideas to benefiting our students learning. By incorporating technologies that students already use, improve the visibility of individual projects so all can see each other's work at any given time, and improve the adult online mentor-facilitators' strategies for motivating seemingly less-engaged students. These techniques will help educators gear students to more of a learning experience on the internet. 

I think that one of the best things a teacher can do is use the internet. As shown in this article the number of students using the internet is  growing, but what are they doing? I think that if you use the same technologies the students are using they will be more likely to use them and understand them and incorporate learning into them. Also, if we bombard the students with many different types of websites to join they will become overwhelmed and confused, less likely to really grasp the concept of the projects. 


  1. It is important to use the same websites students are using. This way we can understand them better and incorporate their interests into their learning. An 80% increase is a crazy number, but I can believe it. This just goes to show that it is so important that teachers really start to use technology and the internet in their classrooms because students are already there.

  2. The dependency of the internet is, without a doubt,irreversable and vital for students success throughout college and post-grad. It just seems archaic if technology is not being used in classrooms, it would be unfair to the students future and different from any other class in America!
    I do think our students nowadays can handle several websites. Due to their early introduction of technology, unlike us and previous generations,children are already juggling several networking sites and porbaly can handle several, I believe they can handle more than we think, when of course, its fun.
