Friday, October 16, 2009

Facebook for Learning?

Tapping The Wealth of Social Networks for Professional Development
by: Christine Greenhow

This article provides information on social networking cites and their contribution to teachers and their students. Social bookmarking sites such as CiteUlike, Dingo, and Delicious are sites that allow teachers to communicate and share scholarly information to other teachers and professionals. Which may provide insight to their own teaching styles and attitudes.

Other websites teacher can use, not only for connecting with other professionals, but with their students as well are sites such as Facebook and Myspace. Teacher can reference their students sites to gain feedback from the days class. Teachers can reflect and These sites provide ways for students to express creativity and gain feedback from their peers. It also helps student by giving them emotional support, giving them a way to vent frustrations, stress, and even satisfaction with themselves or classroom experience.

I think that these social networking sites provide good opportunities for students and teachers to gain respect for each other. It can also give teachers insight to what their students are thinking and if their lessons are working. They can adapt their curriculum accordingly. Websites like Dingo help teachers collaborate their lessons and find new lessons to help foster a more creative environment.


  1. Im weary of allowing Facebook and Myspace into the classroom because of its constant distraction already. Rather than using social networks such as Facebook, I would find other outlets, even Twitter, to invite students to open up their feelings and allow opportunity for connections within the students in the class. I see Facebook is already logged on to when teachers are in the middle of lectures. I see it as total disrespect and the thought of students using the excuse of logging on for curriculum purposes gives too much freedom for an "outside the classroom" activity.

  2. I am also kind of skeptical about using facebook in the classroom... I think it would a distraction. There are so many other technological ways to incorporate in the classroom. I think that it is important for teachers to get feedback from their students, and facebook would be a good way to do that... as long as it does not become a distraction.
